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"56 Stories" Coffeetable Books

“56 Stories: Personal Recollections of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, A Hungarian American Perspective”

This unique book contains 56 personal stories from ’56-ers who fought, participated in or observed the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. In addition, there are nine essays from family members of ’56-ers who explore the legacy of the revolution. This 214-page hardcover volume also contains photographs from 1956, original sketches, and educational resources such as: an original map of 1956 Budapest locations, a timeline of the revolution and a comprehensive glossary of places, people and events.

The entire volume was also published in Hungarian, “56 történet: amerikai magyarok személyes emlékei 1956-ról.”

“The desire to be free causes ordinary people to perform extraordinary deeds.  In “56 Stories” you will find compelling first -person accounts of Hungarian Americans who were participants in the unforgettable days of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.  As we commemorate the Revolution’s 50th anniversary, these stories of determination and courage inspire us still.”
Laura Bush, Former First Lady

“56 Stories” is a fascinating collection of testimonies of heroism, incredible courage and sacrifice made by Hungarians who later became Americans. On the 50th anniversary we must remember the historical significance of the 1956 Revolution that exposed the brutality and inhumanity of the Soviets, and led, in due course, to freedom for Hungary and an untold number of others.
George Herbert Walker III
Ambassador of the United States
to Hungary 2003-2006


Collected, edited and published – Andrea Lauer Rice, Lauer Learning and Edith K. Lauer, Hungarian American Coalition

Based on the oral history website

The book has since been published digitally and is available for download at