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National Parks Social Media Campaign

Come see America with us!

Our family has been visiting National Parks, Memorials and Historic Sites for the past 15 years. Until now, we have seen more than 250 NPS sites and our two boys have earned as many Junior Ranger badges. We have all  learned oh, so much in the process.

Every time we visit a park all of us learn something new.  But the trips do even more than that…we get inspired all over again to the point where we’re bursting with pride at being American. We love seeing firsthand examples of:

  • the core values upon which our great nation has been built,
  • our shared history,
  • examples of how one person can and has made all the difference,
  • and how we have all worked together – all races, creeds and genders – to overcome seemingly insurmountable odds.

During 2016, we created a grassroots social media campaign to share our love of the National Park Service sites and to inspire others to see America. We linked our efforts with the 100th anniversary of the NPS. During the somewhat contentious election year, we focused on the things that unite us as Americans. This struck a chord as we garnered close to 10,000 followers and had more than 100,000 views.

We plan to continue this family project until we visit all 417 NPS locations!